Frequently Asked Questions

SOI stands for “Structure of Intellect,” the proven theory that a person’s intellectual learning abilities can be both identified and improved. It is a system of tests and training materials to develop intellectual abilities.

IPP stands for “Integrated Practice Protocol.” This program, often used in addition to SOI abilities training, is designed to address the underlying causes of learning difficulties through sensory integration and focusing skills (vision) training.

SOI focuses on brain training – improving intellectual abilities like cognition, memory, and problem solving. IPP ensures that the body, eyes, and ears are working correctly so that the brain functions to the best of its ability.

This varies from person to person, and depends on the severity of learning difficulties and how much time and effort is put into SOI brain training. Typically, you will start seeing changes in 20 – 30 hours of training.

All ages! SOI can be used with kids as young as 4 years old. We also work with kids at heart who are in their 80s and 90s.

Nope! This is one of the best parts of the SOI assessment; you don’t have to study for it! Because we are testing for abilities, and not knowledge, it is a very unique testing experience. We often get comments on how much people enjoy the SOI testing process!

It is very different from a typical “test.” We are assessing your learning abilities, not your knowledge. Instead of questions like, “What year did the United States join World War II?” you will complete questions that require putting your memory, problem solving abilities, and other skills to work.

Our assessments are administered by qualified SOI providers. Click here to find a provider.

Absolutely! Various SOI programs are used in classrooms around the world. Click here to learn more.

Some of our products and programs can be used at home. You will need to discuss this with your SOI provider.

Only SOI providers and schools that use our programs are able to place orders.

Click here to learn more about partnering with SOI and becoming a provider!