A Treatment for the Cause of Learning Disabilities

Tutoring is a remedy for inappropriate or ineffective teaching, because tutoring is, by definition, individualized teaching. Good tutoring may “teach around” a disability, but it probably will not cure the learning problem.

Our IPP system is successful because it treats the causes of the learning disability.

What are the causes? Find out below.

Cognitive Problems: Some learning disabilities are cognitive in nature – the learner has not developed those cognitive abilities required for success in the instructional program. Learning abilities can be developed. The key to their development is focused experience. IPP offers cognitive assessment to identify the weaknesses and focused training to develop those learning abilities that are weak.

Perceptual Problems: Some learning disabilities are perceptual in nature – the learner has not developed those perceptual skills that are necessary to assimilate instruction. Perceptual skills can be developed and/or strengthened. The key to their development is individual treatment. IPP offers individual perceptual assessments to diagnose perceptual problems and treatments to develop those perceptual skills that are weak.

Sensory Integration Problems: Some learning disabilities are sensory-motor in nature – the learner has not integrated his or her sensory systems to the degree necessary for processing instructional information. Sensory integration can be developed and/or strengthened. The key to sensory integration is knowing which systems are not functioning properly. IPP offers assessment of sensory-motor problems and treatment for systems that are not fully integrated.

Check out this video to learn more about the IPP program!

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