How Vision Relates to Learning

Has a school nurse or eye doctor told you that you have 20/20 eyesight? Or maybe you’ve been told that you need glasses or contacts to help you see better? While being able to see clearly is important, did you know that 20/20 eyesight isn’t always indicative of having good vision? A strong visual system is critical in finding success in both learning and life. In fact, 85% of the information we take in is processed through our visual system. We have found that a large percentage of learning issues actually stem from poor visual skills. Unfortunately, most people aren’t…

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Using SOI in Business & Industry

MATCH CAREERS TO EMPLOYEES' PROFILES OF ABILITIES. IDENTIFY UNTAPPED POTENTIAL. IDENTIFY EMPLOYEES AT RISK FOR EFFICIENCY. SOI TESTING POSSIBILITIES gifted abilities can suggest career possibilities and promotion long standing learning disabilities are identified and remediation procedures are suggested discover how character and personality interact with individual intellectual abilities Use SOI for testing, identification, and training. Use all three for the most complete program, or use only the steps you need. THE SOI DIFFERENCE SOI testing is particularly fair to the linguistically or economically disadvantaged. Since the SOI test is wide spectrum (in particular, it includes Figural intelligence), it is possible…

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Reading with LOCAN

WHAT IS LOCAN? SOI's LOCAN program is a new method for teaching reading. Most children who have not learned to read by the third grade are probably figurally-dominant. They are labeled “learning disabled” or “dyslexic” because they cannot read. Concrete learners will also probably struggle to progress in reading with any of the existing methods. Or, if they do learn to “read,” it will probably be reading without comprehension. All children who are preliterate or non literate can benefit from LOCAN! LOCAN is a hieroglyphic language, making it direct and concrete. Every word in the language has its own glyph.…

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SOI-IPP Program and Concussion Care

Avoiding concussions and treating concussions is a big topic in the news today. This morning the national news question of the day was, “Should high school football be banned?” Here in Texas, high school football is “king” so I don’t see that happening anytime soon. On the news, they were saying that perhaps there should be a licensed trainer present at every football game with a concussion protocol that is followed to the letter. That’s not a bad idea. Coaches are sending players back onto the field after concussions. Last week one of my high school clients told me about…

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Attention Issues and SOI

When Ernest, age 10, came to my SOI classes twenty years ago, he drove everyone crazy. He banged his pencil on the table, danced in his seat and only looked at his SOI brain exercise module when I asked him each question individually. Our teachers persisted in developing his attention by using an expanded form of SOI that included sensori-integration as well as brain training modules. As Ernest did each balance board exercise, he would have to bring his attention again and again to the task at hand to be able to master it. He struggled at first, but as…

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SOI Support for Dyslexia

I believe the best support for struggling students with dyslexia symptoms is the full spectrum of Structure of Intellect interventions. Most of the students at Positive Learning Solutions have some degree of dyslexic symptoms, and have made much reading progress with their program and are progressing in school. First, identifying visual and auditory perceptual processing problems and remediating them is necessary for success in overcoming any learning problem, and dyslexia is no exception. SOI-IPP and specific SOI computer and paper modules provide that underlying support for visual, auditory, and spatial abilities. Any referrals to Meeker Paradigm Area 3 health professionals…

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Judiciary Reform & SOI

Aiza Sanchez founded Centro SOI Saltillo 16 years ago. In 2010, she was introduced to the judicial powers by the former director of the psychology faculty. The judges and judicial staff were having difficulty changing from one judging system to the other. Their first evaluation was in 2011, and they have been evaluating ever since. Last November, Centro SOI Saltillo trained 8 judges and 20 public attorney defenders with the auditory program and SOI modules. The judiciary system reform in Mexican has been changing for the last seven or eight years from a system called “Inquisitive” to a system called…

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Parents: Take Your Babies Out of Those Buckets!

What buckets am I talking about? I mean those carriers for babies that small children sit in while riding in the car. I am sure you have seen moms take the baby and his “bucket” out of the car and put the child and “bucket” into the grocery cart at the market or the stroller at the mall. When shopping is done, back into the car goes the baby in his “bucket.” What amazes me is that these babies seldom cry or act like they want to be picked up. Neither of my grandsons would stand for the being in…

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Can We Play in School?

Spring has arrived in full bloom here in Texas, and with the beautiful weather, I am gratefully reminded of how enjoyable it is to see our kids play. Here at Shady Oak Learning, we take play seriously. It is embedded in our school day. Children who come here have about an hour and a half of free play time outdoors throughout the day. Why? Because research supports that play is an essential part of brain growth and behavior development. Children who move and play show significant increase in IQ. According to David Elkind, professor emeritus of child development at Tufts…

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SOI and Dementia/Alzheimer’s

I am often asked if SOI can help people with dementia or Alzheimer’s. I immediately answer with an emphatic “YES!” In working with SOI for over a decade, I have found that when improvements in brain function are made in a person who does not suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s, said improvements remain even after SOI sessions are completed (barring any future damage to the brain). However, once improvements are realized with a dementia or Alzheimer’s patient, the results may not remain after sessions discontinue. Here’s why: Dementia is not a disease. Dementia is a set of symptoms, the most…

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