New Product Launch: SOI Memory Handbook

M = My    E = Everyday    M = Memory   O = Often    R =  Refuses to    Y = Yield Information Does this definition of MEMORY sound familiar?  Do you forget why you walked into a room? Where you left your car keys? A neighbor or friend's name? Memory is a major concern for many people. It doesn’t matter if you are 8 or 80; we all need memory training to keep our brain sharp.  Visual and auditory memory is the backbone of school and career advancement. Dr. Mary Meeker recognized this deficiency back in 1977…

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Taking the Next Step in Learning with SOI

At SOI Systems, we provide you with practical ways to help your students succeed. SOI is a system of assessments and training materials that develop intellectual abilities and learning functions. We equip students with the necessary intellectual skills to learn subject matter, do analytical thinking, become more creative, and, most importantly, learn how to learn. GIFTED & TALENTED The robustness of the SOI tests helps incorporate students with gifts in areas not usually included in other assessments. figural, symbolic, evaluation, and creativity abilities are all evaluated to be considered along with students who are gifted in the traditional semantic abilities.…

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EFU: Visual Discrimination

Visual discrimination is an important part of the learning process. The cognitive learning skill known as “Evaluation of Figural Units” or EFU is another in the series of the six abilities that must be in place for a student to learn to read. Remember Brian in my former blog? He was the little guy who couldn’t tell the difference between a 5 and a 3 on a consistent basis. Brian also had a visual discrimination (EFU) problem. One of the “Six Essential Abilities” skills necessary to learn to read is EFU, or visual discrimination. This skill is a bedrock ability…

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SOI CFU: Filling in the Blanks

What’s the big deal about CFU? Ask Brian. “Brian can’t tell the difference in a 5 and a 3 and he sure can’t begin to read! He’s severe! Good luck on that one!” That was my first introduction to a very “special” student as I began my career in education. Brian had a problem with CFU. CFU is just one of six intellectual abilities that you have to have to be ready to read. What does that mean? And what does identifying a picture tell me about being able to read? In the world of the Structure of Intellect, CFU…

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Memory Training for The Child Who Can’t Remember

MEMORY IS THE ABILITY TO RETRIEVE INFORMATION THAT HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY UNDERSTOOD. "My child just can't remember!" When I hear this statement from a parent or educator, my mind switches into a questioning mode. What kinds of things don’t they remember?  Can you give me an example of what they can’t remember?  Is it just one thing? Is it multiple things?  Is it situational?  What’s happening when they can’t remember?  Is the information they don’t remember visual or auditory?  Is the difficulty in remembering information or numbers? No, I don’t badger the witness; I just wonder.  The good news is…

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The Potholes in Education

I agree.  My topic and thoughts today sound odd.  I stand accused of thinking too much about the challenges in education, even when sitting in a long line of cars out at the coast of Oregon.  A large section of Highway 101 was being repaired for potholes.  In the section I was at, it is only a two lane road and the wait ended up to be about 15 minutes going and coming.  I was not driving, so I looked up how much potholes cost the American people - billions of dollars.  AAA reports the cost of automobile damage resulting…

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Learning Abilities Testing: How It Works

The key to remedy learning failure is to know why the failure is occurring and to have a systematic approach for eliminating the cause. TESTS SOI tests are tests of learning abilities. If students are having difficulty learning, the cause may be a lack of learning abilities. Learning abilities are more fundamental than curricular skills, yet most “diagnostics” of learning problems focus exclusively on curricular skills, and thus most remedial programs are focused on the same curricular skills. When the usual remedial programs are not successful, the causes of the learning problems have probably been misdiagnosed. SOI tests offer an…

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Learning Solutions: The Actions You See – The Words You Never Hear

SOI HAS BEEN PROVIDING INNOVATIVE LEARNING SOLUTIONS FOR OVER 50 YEARS. SAM, AGE 8 “Oh no, we’re going to read out loud again? I wish I could just disappear. She’s handing out the books. I can’t, I just can’t read out loud again and have the guys laugh when I stumble over the words. I don’t get why they can read without stumbling and I read like a K student. When we go out to recess, someone always says something dumb to me and I just shrug my shoulders. My parents and teacher hate when I do that. Think… I’m…

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Vision: Focusing Skills

Vision: “The ability of sight, the manner in which one sees or conceives of something” Think about it: If you are unable to scan horizontally - a visual requisite for reading and closing letters into words that are meaningful - your achievement level drops. If you are unable to distinguish small differences (visual discrimination), which is especially critical for sustained reading over an extended period of time, your achievement level drops. If you are unable to understand vocabulary and verbal ideas due to visual fatigue and loss of concentration, your achievement level drops. If you have jerky eye movement when…

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Modules? Seriously.

The ideal SOI recipe for success for learning and career is simple: test, cognitive and IPP training modules, retest. The initial testing is often rewarding and intriguing, as we figure out some of our enigmatic client needs. However, the re-testing often is not as critical. What about the training? I believe it’s the middle of the recipe that’s absolutely unique and valuable: the personalized follow-up plan based upon the individual’s SOI scores, with new insight into the learning styles and needs - especially for those who struggle in school or the workplace. This is the heart of the recipe. Many…

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