The Door Opener to the Visual System

The SOI assessments provide information about an individual’s ability to process visual information.  Over the years, I have actually become more impressed with how hard the eyes have to work in order to actively engage the mind in the learning process, in remembering visual information, and in correctly solving problems with that information.

This is perhaps the most misunderstood group of sub-tests in the SOI Model.  Vision is thought of as eyesight, visual acuity, and the health of the eyes.  We are often told that an individual is concerned about his/her poor reading ability, lack of comprehension, and misreading words, and yet eyes are 20/20 and healthy.  It is not uncommon to have Ophthalmologists and Optometrists deny the SOI information that relates to low vision skills because the evidence is not showing in an examination.  The question then remains, “What is the reason for such poor reading ability and what can be done to improve reading ability and reading comprehension?”

The answer commonly lies in a lack of visual stamina.  When the eyes tire, mistakes in reading words occur and reading comprehension is diminished.  A page is read and yet recall of what was just read is very low.  It is not poor reading instruction or reading materials. It is the inability to stay focused for extended periods of time, even for several minutes, before mistakes occur.  Frustration and a lowering of self-esteem and cooperation seem to be the point that many arrive at.

Yes, we may find that low visual stamina is the challenge many face; however, the assessment information becomes the door opener to solutions of how to increase visual stamina.  SOI programs have lead many individuals into being able to read, concentrate, recall, and perform at a much higher level of performance.  We recommend dedicated time of not more than 15 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week to complete materials that exercise the visual stamina and accuracy of the eyes.

We all know that physical exercise strengthens the body’s physical stamina and endurance.  Through the science of SOI materials and programs, we now can include the vision system in this expected success.  Vision is very personal to each student’s ability to find success in school and it is for this reason that we need to broaden our understanding of poor visual stamina and to become aware of how to send the eyes to the weight room for reading, writing, and concentration.

As always, SOI welcomes your inquiries.

written by: Diane Hochstein, Senior SOI Program Consultant & President of SOI Service Company

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This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Dear Diane,
    Some months ago you answered my first comment to another article of yours. As always, your concepts and articles teach me a lot, besides providing
    new approaches to problemsolving above mentioned difficulties in focusing visual learning. I am interested in eventually meeting you all personally, and maybe attend some training in SOI applications, exchange experiences,etc.
    Do you think it would be possible, some time in the future?Or is it from me too daring to ask it?
    Another question is how can I get access or buy on line SOI testings in Spanish in order to use it in my work?
    I thank you for your time ,
    Cordially yours,
    Helena Reyes, email:

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