Trauma Treatment and SOI ALA-PLA Learning Therapy Part 3

AN ADULT DYSLEXIC: PART 3 Click here to read the first part of Juan's story. “Can you teach me to read?” Juan asked me three months ago as his psychotherapy came to a close. Because he was beaten and humiliated as a boy for his “dyslexia,” I first treated his trauma in therapy and then applied SOI learning therapy. He has now taken both the computer test (ALA-PLA) and the CR test (paper and pencil). You may remember what his profile revealed: with the exception of auditory memory, Juan tested at the bottom stanine in every ALA-PLA subtest! However, Juan…

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Trauma Treatment and SOI ALA-PLA Learning Therapy Part 2

AN ADULT DYSLEXIC: PART 2 Click here to read the first part of Juan's story. Juan took the ALA test on the computer and was at the first percentile in every subtest and ability. We began working with LOCAN and the SOI CD and workbook, and retesting with paper and pencil. During our first workbook training session, Juan was nervous because he knew he "did not do well" on the SOI computer test. I asked him why he thought that and he said it was NOT a language issue but a comprehension issue. He did not know what the test…

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Building a Real Student Support Team

YOUR SCHOOL CAN DEVELOP A VERY PROVEN WAY OF ADDRESSING RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION (RTI) THROUGH YOUR STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM AND HAVE STRATEGICALLY TAILORED INTERVENTIONS TO MEET INDIVIDUAL STUDENT NEEDS. What if you were able to... anticipate, identify, and intervene with ninety percent of your “at-risk” students in kindergarten or first grade help eliminate students’ self-esteem issues related to failure in school bypass reliance on the observations of overextended classroom teachers for most intervention referrals develop an individual and developmentally appropriate plan to effectively intervene with students by the first semester of kindergarten develop an efficient, systematic, easily documentable Student Support…

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The Key to Empowering Your Students

Empower means to make someone stronger or more confident. Whether you’re a teacher, parent, or administrator, you want to see your students succeed! Even though this is every educator’s goal, it’s often much easier said than done. In a classroom of 25 students, there will undoubtedly be a variety of personalities, learning speeds, abilities, and learning styles. Each student is unique, which means that teaching to each student’s individual needs can be a challenge. What if there was an easier way to work with each student on his or her individual learning needs? Fortunately, there is! Here at SOI, we…

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Working with Adults and SOI: A Life-Changing Experience

When people ask me what ages I use SOI with, I usually say “4 to 94.” That surprises them because they assume that I only work with school-age children and teenagers. It is true that over the last 10-12 years, most of my clients have been young, but one of my best experiences was with one of my adult clients, Lester. When I first tested Lester, he was 43 years old. Lester was sent to me by his mother, who was very concerned about her son. Lester was so lonely and depressed that he confined himself to his apartment, only…

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SOI Basic Reader

Do you have students who have trouble reading? This program could be your answer! Basic Reader is a complete reading program designed for elementary age students who are struggling with reading. There are three major causes of reading difficulties: students do not have the necessary perceptual skills; students are not ready cognitively; or the teaching method does not match the students learning style. Basic Reader addresses all of these causes and helps students read better in five easy steps. The goal of this program is to enable students to read. To reach that goal, we need to achieve these enabling…

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Cognition Training I

Cognition is a psychological term for comprehension. It is more than perception; it is the immediate discovery, awareness, rediscovery, or recognition of information in various forms for comprehension or understanding. Cognition is often the primary process for learning, so it is important to have this ability well-trained and ready to use! Exercise – Cognition of Semantic Classes Cognition Training Objective: To develop the ability to recognize common properties of words, ideas, and objects. Directions: This task introduces matrix concepts. Students are to place any four-letter word across the top of the box, one letter in each square. Place four categories…

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Intellectual Abilities Training

In developing SOI training modules for intellectual abilities training, we follow two guiding principles. First, we focus as much as possible on only one intellectual ability at a time – there are over 90 abilities in the Structure of Intellect, so we recommend finding which are most in need of development, and then in turn we concentrate on training each of the single abilities. We use the SOI Learning Abilities test to determine which abilities are most in need of development. We have over two hundred printed and computer-based modules that train one (or at the most two) abilities at…

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Training Executive Functioning

You can’t beat CMS and MSS training for success in school! The core of how ADHD affects the pre-frontal cortex involves executive functioning; it creates deficits in both sequencing and working memory. Working memory involves keeping information in order, keeping information organized, planning, and pulling information out of the thinking brain in the right order. Working memory is essential to success in higher education. SOI trains MSS visual and auditory to strengthen working memory. Since we know that executive functioning develops slowly - starting at 9 months old and continuing into the 40’s - we can train sequencing and memory for…

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Evaluation Training I

Throughout our lives, we are constantly required to make choices and decisions. Some need to be made quickly; some can take more time. And we want to be able to make the right choice. Evaluation training is important because evaluation is the ability to reach decisions, to make decisions, or to make judgments concerning a situation. It is the type of intelligence that allows a person to survey the correctness, suitability, adequacy, and desirability of alternative responses and to then choose the correct action. Having these judgement skills in place is an important foundation for both life and learning. Let's…

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