Convergent Production Training I

Convergent production. What does it mean? How does it affect the way we learn? Convergent production is better known as "school learning." It is the production of a correct answer, produced as taught. In other words, a student is given a problem to solve and must converge upon the correct answer. With this definition, it is easy to see why  convergent production is critical to the learning process. Like memory and other learning abilities, convergent production can be trained and improved. The exercise provided below is a great place to start! Exercise - Convergent Production of Figural Relations Objective: To…

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Memory Training I

Did you know that memory is one of the easiest learning abilities to train? Memory training is an important part of life and learning, but how much time do we really spend developing or improving it? At SOI, we have testing and training materials that target a variety of learning abilities: comprehension, memory, evaluation, creativity, and problem solving. Aside from these materials, there are many exercises/games that improve specific learning abilities. Below you will find two exercises/games that improve memory that can be used with younger children/students. These activities are a fun way to train this important ability. They can…

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Opening the Venetian Blinds

I read with dismay an article in the Washington Post about the Obama administration’s new plans to tighten oversight of states’ special education programs by applying “more stringent criteria” for outcomes. Unfortunately, this means the standards will be based on standardized tests. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Tuesday that for the first time his department will also consider outcomes such as: how well special-education students score on standardized tests, the gap in test scores between students with and without disabilities, the high school graduation rate for disabled students, and other measures of achievement. “Every child, regardless of income, race, background,…

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Daughter’s Reading Disability Diagnosed with SOI

Did you know that SOI can identify and address a reading disability? My family traveled a very long road before finding out about SOI in 1982. As a nine year old in the fourth grade, our daughter had not yet learned to read. We had exhausted the medical community (we thought) and her school was perplexed and at times agitated with our daughter or with us. The SOI program gave us the solutions that resulted in her ultimate success in reading, in her education, and in finding her self-esteem and confidence. Her avid love of animals sustained her through those…

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Missing Intellectual Abilities Identified in Failing Pilots

World War II. Pilots. Planes. Intellectual abilities. What do these things have to do with learning? You might be surprised! Check out this short video to find out. Did you find this information interesting? Click the like or share button found below to spread the word. We appreciate your support!

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Welcome to the SOI Blog!

SOI stands for Structure of Intellect. What is our goal? Academic success. How do we get there? By developing learning abilities one step at a time. The Structure of Intellect (SOI) theory was developed by Dr. J.P. Guilford. He discovered that there are more than 90 different ways in which we can learn. He determined that comprehension, memory, evaluation, problem-solving, and creativity are the basic operations of learning. Dr. Mary Meeker, a student of Guilford’s, applied Guilford’s theory to the practical needs of education. Dr. Meeker used the SOI model to design materials that develop learning abilities. She did this…

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