A Tribute to Dr. Mary Meeker

Meeting Dr. Mary Meeker was like a strong wind that comes unexpectedly. It blew my mind and life in a totally different direction. It was like waking in a new dimension that was full of truth, energy, understanding, and hope. Though not tall in stature, the force of her determination to share the SOI Model, her genius in development and enhancement materials to meet the needs of all ages, and her ability to train thousands of individuals defined her as a brilliant giant. Her goals never wavered. She believed that individuals deserved to know what kind of intelligence they had, not simply how much.01

The different SOI assessments of learning ability create a profile that identifies very strong abilities that can be used and applied to all learning situations, and abilities that need further development to strengthen learning potential. This profile is printed into a report to be shared. I was mesmerized by Dr. Meeker’s capacity to look at an individual’s profile to see so clearly where help was needed. She wasn’t quick to put a label on anyone. She wanted to strengthen all abilities available and then determine if further intervention was necessary. That is a profound method that attracts people to the SOI Model.

Mary wanted to share her knowledge to all wanting to learn. She lit a spark within others and that spark took on its own flame within all of us. Our outreach has touched the lives of thousands upon thousands of individuals in all types of learning and living situations.

Dr. Meeker challenged all she met to learn more and to be confident in our very being. She challenged herself to do exactly the same. She wrote beautiful poetry, children’s stories, inspiring insights into intelligence, and even taught herself to paint. She always felt she was spatially challenged and wanted to overcome this weakness. She was determined to live by what she taught others to do. Because she had an amazing ability to see and use colors, her art work was quickly recognized and displayed. She had such fascinating fluency to her art and she gave away her paintings to SOI customers around the world.

02Dr. Meeker never expected more of others than she expected of herself. It is difficult to be weak when inspired by such strength. You cannot hide behind insecurity when confronted with fierce determination to be a force within life.

This is the foundation of SOI Systems. Please read about the foundation of SOI, ask questions, and seek information about the very thing that brought you to this blog. I, for one, do not feel helpless when confronted with great learning challenges at any level of education, or within the correctional population, deaf community, workforce issues, college athletics, the utter despair of parents, or with the feeling of hopelessness in an individual failing to find understanding and success. It is only complex if you do not know what to do. Mary dedicated her life to sharing with all she inspired to simply look at the person standing before you and to meet that person’s individual needs.

Living a long and productive life, Mary completed a training only three months prior to her death in 2003. She was in her early eighties. Because of her determination to share with all who would listen, her life’s work continues.

Many speak the truth of Mary’s words that impact us all.

Mary, I will miss you always.

written by: Diane Hochstein, president of SOI Service Company

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This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. I have never had the privilege to meet Dr. Mary Meeker, but everything you wrote about Diane is just how I pictured her. What a woman she was. I can only hope that I can be half the woman she was. That I can give at least half as much as she gave to those in need of SOI. Her passion for helping will be what I strive to have. Thank you Mary Meeker for all you gave us.

  2. Felicia Hoo

    Though I have not had the privilege to meet or work alongside Dr, Mary, I’ve heard numerous inspirational accounts of her work through the practitioners I met during the summer workshops. Hearing those stories and how people recounted their experience working/learning from her has always brought tears to my eyes. SOI work is tough but holding on to the belief that this is what the families we work with need and this is what makes a difference is what keeps us going. We will continue to spread and build upon the legacy of Dr. Robert and Mary Meeker to bring SOI to every corner of the world!

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