Making the Most of SOI Learning Abilities Test Results

SOI tests are tests of learning abilities. If someone is having difficulty learning, the cause may be a lack of learning abilities. Our tests are a great way to get a snapshot of students’ learning abilities and to see their learning potential. Now that you know more about your students’ learning abilities, what’s next? How do you help all of these unique students? EMPOWER YOUR STUDENTS. LET US HELP. The SOI test results have profiled your students’ strong and weak abilities. Now what? SOI is the easiest and most efficient way to improve their learning abilities. We provide you with…

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Taking the Next Step in Learning with SOI

At SOI Systems, we provide you with practical ways to help your students succeed. SOI is a system of assessments and training materials that develop intellectual abilities and learning functions. We equip students with the necessary intellectual skills to learn subject matter, do analytical thinking, become more creative, and, most importantly, learn how to learn. GIFTED & TALENTED The robustness of the SOI tests helps incorporate students with gifts in areas not usually included in other assessments. figural, symbolic, evaluation, and creativity abilities are all evaluated to be considered along with students who are gifted in the traditional semantic abilities.…

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The Missing Link to Learning

"I'M NOT DOING THIS ANYMORE! My head hurts, I keep losing my place, and I can't remember what I read!" These words assailed me as I walked into our fifteen year-old's room. Her text book landed on the floor in front of her, just before her words landed on me. As a parent, these are not the words you want to hear from you son or daughter. Needless to say I was dismayed. Aside from adolescence, what had changed this person from an enthusiastic student who claimed reading as her favorite subject, to the frustrated student sitting dejectedly on the floor of…

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What is SOI?

WE KNOW THAT LEARNING CAN BE HARD, AND WE’RE HERE TO HELP CHANGE THAT. We work with every type of person in every learning situation – parents, students, teachers, individuals, special education instructors, tutors, and more. Our focus is always on the learners and what we can do to make them successful. We have: tests that profile learning ability strengths and weaknesses materials to improve and strengthen learning abilities innovative programs designed specifically to assist struggling students to get them back on track screening products for gifted and talented programs managed programs that provide students with the very best educational …

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EFU: Visual Discrimination

Visual discrimination is an important part of the learning process. The cognitive learning skill known as “Evaluation of Figural Units” or EFU is another in the series of the six abilities that must be in place for a student to learn to read. Remember Brian in my former blog? He was the little guy who couldn’t tell the difference between a 5 and a 3 on a consistent basis. Brian also had a visual discrimination (EFU) problem. One of the “Six Essential Abilities” skills necessary to learn to read is EFU, or visual discrimination. This skill is a bedrock ability…

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Classification: A Skill for Life

Comprehension of Figural Classes (CFC) at a lower level is the ability to group and sort. It is how we begin to comprehend. These are yellow; these are red. Beginning with same and different, we ask ourselves, “In what way are these things the same or different? Is this the only way they are the same or different? How else could they be grouped?” The skill of logical thought is classification. In a very basic way, it helps us to make sense of our world. In a young child’s world it explains, “This is mama’s. This is daddy’s. This belongs…

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SOI CFU: Filling in the Blanks

What’s the big deal about CFU? Ask Brian. “Brian can’t tell the difference in a 5 and a 3 and he sure can’t begin to read! He’s severe! Good luck on that one!” That was my first introduction to a very “special” student as I began my career in education. Brian had a problem with CFU. CFU is just one of six intellectual abilities that you have to have to be ready to read. What does that mean? And what does identifying a picture tell me about being able to read? In the world of the Structure of Intellect, CFU…

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SOI-IPP Program and Concussion Care

Avoiding concussions and treating concussions is a big topic in the news today. This morning the national news question of the day was, “Should high school football be banned?” Here in Texas, high school football is “king” so I don’t see that happening anytime soon. On the news, they were saying that perhaps there should be a licensed trainer present at every football game with a concussion protocol that is followed to the letter. That’s not a bad idea. Coaches are sending players back onto the field after concussions. Last week one of my high school clients told me about…

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Attention Issues and SOI

When Ernest, age 10, came to my SOI classes twenty years ago, he drove everyone crazy. He banged his pencil on the table, danced in his seat and only looked at his SOI brain exercise module when I asked him each question individually. Our teachers persisted in developing his attention by using an expanded form of SOI that included sensori-integration as well as brain training modules. As Ernest did each balance board exercise, he would have to bring his attention again and again to the task at hand to be able to master it. He struggled at first, but as…

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To Teach and To Learn: A Separate Experience

I simply never tire of watching students strengthen their learning abilities through using the SOI modules (learning booklets) in the area of Cognition, Memory, Evaluation, Problem-solving, and Creativity. I remember leaving meetings focused on our daughter’s challenges in school feeling discouraged and frightened. We were told she had low comprehension. A parent does not stop by the bookstore and buy a book on comprehension that would solve the problems being experienced in the classroom. Fortunately, SOI came into our lives when our daughter was nine and SOI knew how to teach comprehension! In her case, we learned it was visual…

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