How SOI Helps Non-Readers

“Dyslexia” is not synonymous with “non-reader” — and it is misleading to use the two as interchangeable. There maybe many reasons for an inability to read, and dyslexia is only one of them. Applying “dyslexia” too loosely is more than semantic misuse; it may actually preempt interventions that are more appropriate and less expensive. What are the intervention therapies for a non-reader? INTERVENTIONS BEYOND STANDARD INSTRUCTION If students are beyond the third grade and have still not learned to read, we must assume that they have already encountered all of the standard reading instruction — whether it is phonics, whole…

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New Product Launch: SOI Memory Handbook

M = My    E = Everyday    M = Memory   O = Often    R =  Refuses to    Y = Yield Information Does this definition of MEMORY sound familiar?  Do you forget why you walked into a room? Where you left your car keys? A neighbor or friend's name? Memory is a major concern for many people. It doesn’t matter if you are 8 or 80; we all need memory training to keep our brain sharp.  Visual and auditory memory is the backbone of school and career advancement. Dr. Mary Meeker recognized this deficiency back in 1977…

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IPP in the Panoply of Learning

There are three broad stages in human learning. Humans, unlike almost all other creatures, are slow in developing the capacity to learn appropriate to their environs.  Most creatures come into life pre-wired with almost all they need to survive and thrive — humans have a greater need, and a greater capacity to learn, but they are not completely pre-wired — they need to learn how to learn. The first stage is so elementary that it was not even identified until the last half-century.  It is called “patterning”. It occurs when babies first start to explore their environment by crawling and…

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SOI System’s Approach to Learning Problems

SOI Systems is a company with a 50 year history of addressing student learning problems. Our focus has been primarily on making sure that the student’s capacities for learning are matching the expectations of the teaching situation – whether that is in a school, a university, or less formal circumstances like home schooling. When the student’s capacities for learning do not match the expectations of the learning situation, we take a clinical approach to the situation – isolate and identify the learning problem; make a preliminary diagnosis, test to find the probable cause; prescribe an intervention; and monitor to see…

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Using SOI in Business & Industry

MATCH CAREERS TO EMPLOYEES' PROFILES OF ABILITIES. IDENTIFY UNTAPPED POTENTIAL. IDENTIFY EMPLOYEES AT RISK FOR EFFICIENCY. SOI TESTING POSSIBILITIES gifted abilities can suggest career possibilities and promotion long standing learning disabilities are identified and remediation procedures are suggested discover how character and personality interact with individual intellectual abilities Use SOI for testing, identification, and training. Use all three for the most complete program, or use only the steps you need. THE SOI DIFFERENCE SOI testing is particularly fair to the linguistically or economically disadvantaged. Since the SOI test is wide spectrum (in particular, it includes Figural intelligence), it is possible…

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Reading with LOCAN

WHAT IS LOCAN? SOI's LOCAN program is a new method for teaching reading. Most children who have not learned to read by the third grade are probably figurally-dominant. They are labeled “learning disabled” or “dyslexic” because they cannot read. Concrete learners will also probably struggle to progress in reading with any of the existing methods. Or, if they do learn to “read,” it will probably be reading without comprehension. All children who are preliterate or non literate can benefit from LOCAN! LOCAN is a hieroglyphic language, making it direct and concrete. Every word in the language has its own glyph.…

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Getting to the Root of Learning Difficulties

IPP gets to the root of learning difficulties by addressing the issues that often cause poor academic performance. The IPP program is successful because it addresses the cause(s) of the learning difficulty. It works to improve attention span, memory, comparison & contrast thinking, eye-hand coordination, systems reasoning, and other skills essential to the learning process. This helps students perform better in school and in life. IPP HISTORY Years of identifying and training cognitive dysfunctions have revealed the importance of underlying physiological processes, especially focusing skills and sensory integration functions. SOI training will help even in the face of focusing skill…

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College & Careers with SOI

TESTING FOR POTENTIAL SOI matches careers to your profile of abilities. Help high school students, college students, and adults think about their careers! The SOI test produces a profile of learning abilities for the client. Those abilities are then compared to the abilities required for specific careers. The purpose of the comparison is to show the clients where their potential might be used in the work force. SOI assessments identify students at risk for college completion with: broad-spectrum tests assessing intellectual abilities tests of creative and critical thinking abilities behavioral/character analyses for motivation diagnostic information learning style identification: figural, symbolic,…

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SOI & Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are defined as the absence of learning abilities. SOI testing can be used to identify students at risk for school success. The SOI is a broad-spectrum test measuring multiple different abilities to help you gain information about which learning abilities are developed and which are undeveloped. TESTING MEASURES There are many types of learning disabilities; the learning disabled do not all have the same profile. It is essential to any academic placement program to know which specific abilities have not yet been developed. This is the specific information that SOI testing provides. SOI IS DIFFERENT SOI training materials…

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SOI Memory Training

The Structure of Intellect assesses many different learning abilities. What often shows up as the lowest overall ability is memory – both visual and auditory. If you think of memory as “the developed art of paying attention,” then you begin to understand why this is a growing concern in education, especially in elementary school.Comprehension is diminished by lower memory ability and problem-solving becomes frustrating when memory ability fails to recall correct information. Fortunately, SOI is in the business of training memory! MEMORY FACTS memory is the ability to retrieve information that has been previously understood a lack of memory abilities…

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