The Internal Gift of Motivation Fuels All Change

There is nothing more heartbreaking to me than a child or adult that has given up in a learning situation. They have struggled to do well for so long that it is easier to not try, to act as if they don’t care, or to act so poorly that it takes the focus off of their failures – failures that never seem to have answers or solutions. It is right at this point of discovery that my dedication to the Structure of Intellect (SOI) begins.

When a student or adult is given the SOI Assessment of Learning Abilities (Form L, Form CR, ALA, or PLA), so much information is revealed as to how information is processed, understood, remembered, evaluated, used to solve problems, and used creatively. I never tire of sharing the results of the assessment. The way that the assessment process is structured allows us to pinpoint each of the areas I listed above. We now have information that also includes visual processing and stamina, auditory acuity and listening skills, and sensory motor issues that may be contributing to learning challenges. I am always grateful to see relief on the faces of the students, parents, or teachers to finally have information that not only makes sense, but accurately describes what the learning challenges are!

Now for the exciting part:

Not only does the SOI Assessment identify areas of concern, it identifies areas of strength that the student or adult has not been aware of. Understanding areas of strength allows for a feeling of empowerment to face challenges in learning or in life with an increased confidence! I have had the privilege of working with a college football player in his senior year. His struggles with learning exhausted him and his football success exhilarated him. It is what kept him working hard with tutors to succeed in his classes to the best of his ability.

This young man found himself in some trouble and was suspended from the team for a short amount of time. When I gave him the SOI Assessment (CR), it revealed very high problem-solving abilities but lower evaluation (judgment). This gave me the perfect explanation as to how his lower evaluation skills were hampering his high problem-solving skills.

When I was done with my explanation, given candidly to him, he reflected quietly for several moments. He then looked me straight in the eyes, took my hand, and said, “I’m glad to meet you Diane. You have just changed the rest of my life.” And indeed he did. He changed his attitude, took more responsibility for his studies, graduated from college, and has now been selected by an NFL football team. He exemplifies the importance of truth and motivation!

My greatest joy is this young man’s determination to start youth camps that would include the SOI program. He shared recently that he so wished he would have had this information earlier in his life. Previous blogs and the SOI webpage share information on the variety of programs that address all ages and many areas of developing learning abilities that step outside of classroom instruction.

We are empowered to face challenges in learning. But I will end where I started this blog: The internal gift of motivation fuels all change.

written by: Diane Hochstein, President of SOI Service Company

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