A Breath of Fresh Air: An IPP Success Story

The IPP program is successful because it addresses the cause(s) of the learning difficulty. It works to improve attention span, memory, comparison & contrast thinking, eye-hand coordination, systems reasoning, and other skills essential to the learning process. This helps students perform better in school and in life. A few years ago, a doctor friend of mine referred a young student to me for assessment as he was not doing well at school. Nick, as I will call him, had a history of seizures and I was concerned he might have cognitive impairment. He was taking drugs for the seizures that…

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Learning Solutions: The Actions You See – The Words You Never Hear

SOI HAS BEEN PROVIDING INNOVATIVE LEARNING SOLUTIONS FOR OVER 50 YEARS. SAM, AGE 8 “Oh no, we’re going to read out loud again? I wish I could just disappear. She’s handing out the books. I can’t, I just can’t read out loud again and have the guys laugh when I stumble over the words. I don’t get why they can read without stumbling and I read like a K student. When we go out to recess, someone always says something dumb to me and I just shrug my shoulders. My parents and teacher hate when I do that. Think… I’m…

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The Internal Gift of Motivation Fuels All Change

There is nothing more heartbreaking to me than a child or adult that has given up in a learning situation. They have struggled to do well for so long that it is easier to not try, to act as if they don’t care, or to act so poorly that it takes the focus off of their failures - failures that never seem to have answers or solutions. It is right at this point of discovery that my dedication to the Structure of Intellect (SOI) begins. When a student or adult is given the SOI Assessment of Learning Abilities (Form L,…

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Building a Real Student Support Team

YOUR SCHOOL CAN DEVELOP A VERY PROVEN WAY OF ADDRESSING RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION (RTI) THROUGH YOUR STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM AND HAVE STRATEGICALLY TAILORED INTERVENTIONS TO MEET INDIVIDUAL STUDENT NEEDS. What if you were able to... anticipate, identify, and intervene with ninety percent of your “at-risk” students in kindergarten or first grade help eliminate students’ self-esteem issues related to failure in school bypass reliance on the observations of overextended classroom teachers for most intervention referrals develop an individual and developmentally appropriate plan to effectively intervene with students by the first semester of kindergarten develop an efficient, systematic, easily documentable Student Support…

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Painting Destiny: A Certified Learning Story

CERTIFIED LEARNING TEACHES THE INTELLECTUAL ABILITIES YOUR KINDERGARTEN, FIRST, AND SECOND GRADE STUDENTS NEED FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS. When potential and destiny intersect, it creates an interesting conversation. The former speaks of what might be; the latter of what was meant to be. One looks at raw materials while the other at the finished product. Raw materials - or palettes, in the world of the SOI practitioners - have many expressions: CFU, CMU, NFU, SI, FS, etc. We are given the high honor and great responsibility of looking at a canvas with varying colors and intensities. Some are brilliant and intense,…

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Alex’s Story

Every once in a while I receive mail at SOI that is not a bill, an order, or junk mail. On this day it was a letter from clinician Betsy Schooley of California, updating me on Alex, who was a student of hers for the past 2 years. Last year, Betsy explained the resistance Alex had to writing because it was so difficult for him. Not just getting the words on the paper, but the physical effort of printing the letters. Part of Alex's SOI program was a DFU module. After speaking with Betsy, and as an incentive for Alex…

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Certified Learning Welcomed on the High Plains of Texas

Lubbock, Texas sits high on a windy plain, atop what is known as the “Caprock of Texas.” This area is one of the most recently settled areas of the entire United States. Why? One answer is weather. For years, tornadoes, hailstorms, lightning strikes, windstorms, blizzards, unpredictable rains and lack of surface water discouraged all but the very hearty from settling these wide open spaces.  There were no trees, little topography and therefore little protection from the elements. This vast grassland was reportedly named the “Llano Estacado” or “Staked Plains” by the Spanish explorer Francisco de Coronado who,  when striking out…

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Opening the Venetian Blinds

I read with dismay an article in the Washington Post about the Obama administration’s new plans to tighten oversight of states’ special education programs by applying “more stringent criteria” for outcomes. Unfortunately, this means the standards will be based on standardized tests. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Tuesday that for the first time his department will also consider outcomes such as: how well special-education students score on standardized tests, the gap in test scores between students with and without disabilities, the high school graduation rate for disabled students, and other measures of achievement. “Every child, regardless of income, race, background,…

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Helping Students Around the World

SOI is dedicated to helping students around the world. Our program is designed to assess and improve learning abilities that cause learning difficulties. Rafael came to the SOI Center with behavioral problems and academic disorders. His parents were very worried because Rafael had been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. What upset them most was that he struggled with social interaction and anxiety/mood disorders that included excess verbiage, an explosive temper, and a very low tolerance to frustration. Rafael was bullied a lot at school. He also constantly questioned any new information that his teachers gave to him. They had no idea…

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A Tribute to Dr. Mary Meeker

Meeting Dr. Mary Meeker was like a strong wind that comes unexpectedly. It blew my mind and life in a totally different direction. It was like waking in a new dimension that was full of truth, energy, understanding, and hope. Though not tall in stature, the force of her determination to share the SOI Model, her genius in development and enhancement materials to meet the needs of all ages, and her ability to train thousands of individuals defined her as a brilliant giant. Her goals never wavered. She believed that individuals deserved to know what kind of intelligence they had,…

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